Collection of Poems
Photo credit: luisrock62 from morguefile.com
1- Let the Butterfly, fly..
A butterfly is born here & now.
It wants to fly with all the colours.
Up & above want to have the flight,
Of a life time break free – here & now.
The kid was born as a girl,
With a beautiful mind was a pearl.
You can see the spark, if you’re natural,
You can feel the warmth of great soul.
Let the Butterfly, fly..
Let her go, let her travel & reach,
The sky & sail along the clouds,
Like you & me discover -who she is.
Explore the world & life –soul free.
Rejoice the unique beauty of its being,
Unleash and spread its colourful wings.
Un-learn your ‘self’ to take the flight,
Make this world unique and bright.
2- Frog & the Well
A pond asked a frog,
“Hey my friend, how are you?”
Frog replied with anger,
“I am fine in the well,
Nothing like the well”
Pond smiled with ripples forming,
Sky returned with a rainbow.
3- Grasshopper
A grass hopper, hopping joyfully-
Asked the god-
“Am I the happiest being in this world?”
God smiled & replied:
“Stay with it, nothing like it
If you harm with it,
Death follows..”
4- Poet & the Ocean
A poet sitting near the ocean shore,
Asked –
“What does it mean to be liberal?”
Ocean extended herself & touched,
His feet. Poet scared stood up.
Ocean returned back,
Leaving behind – pearls & gems.