A random collection of 5 short poems
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
The fierce wind blew rocking the trees,
The leaves all scattered on the ground
formed a green carpet,
The sky gave vent to its anger
in the form of lightning,
The clouds came together
friendly as never before,
The thundering sky,dominant as ever,
made the clouds weep,
The cool breeze as calm as ever
relaxed the inner self, and
silently wished that this beauty would never end,
The pearl like drops fell on the ground,
The muddy ,earthy aroma
rendered an unusual fragrance ,
a divine serenity prevailed all around.
What an experience the first drizzle was.
Loneliness knocked at the door
and slowly tiptoed within,
Hesitantly I let it enter
Knowing not what to do,
It came near, sat close, very close,
hugged me affectionately and said ,
“Whatever may befall,
I am and will always remain
your faithful friend “.
They walked along the lonely path
unable to speak
yet unable to resist
the irresistible atmosphere,
The eyes hesitantly met,
The caged emotions burst forth like a volcano,
Words remained unsaid
in that passionate gaze,
The repentant hearts bled profusely,
The long gap slowly began cementing itself.
In the midst of a withered past
and an uncertain future,
I stand at the threshold of the present
absorbing the beauty of life
enjoying every moment of it,
What will ensue seems very trivial
to the defiant self as it wraps itself
in the ethereal pleasure of the moment,
The susceptible heart sympathizes with me,
for it knows well that like the setting sun,
these transient moments
will slowly slip away into darkness,
Leaving me in absolute solitude, empty handed,
But ,still the uncompromising self,
adores these moments,
It does not wish to part with it,
It seems to have accepted the reality,
the naked truth of life.
The unsaid words within
stood beseechingly in front of me,
Holding my hands , they said
“Why don’t you pen me on a piece of paper
and weave me into a beautiful poem ?”
I took them close ,caressed them lovingly,
and whispered into their ears,
“I want you not on a piece of paper,
but deep inside my heart ,
I do not wish to part with you ,
for you belong to me ,and me only “.