Adam and Lilith, short poem in five scenes
Photo credit: mantasmagorical from morguefile.com
- Scene 1.
- River passes by meadow, surrounded by forest. Beautiful sunny day. Lucifer in snake guise on a tree branch. Adam wakes up on the meadow.
- ADAM. Strange dream I had. I heard mighty voice
- Said me: You are a first man and this is
- Your place to live. I slept on mild grass
- That, warmed by sun smelled earth and a mass
- Of flowers. It’s lovely day for walk.
- He comes near a fruit tree, looks for fruits.
- I need to taste them.
- LUCIFER. Would you like to talk?
- ADAM. What miracle! These fruits can talk. Perhaps
- I’ll ask them…
- LUCIFER. Look at snake in branches depth.
- ADAM. You are just snake. Why should I talk to you?
- LUCIFER. I am wise and can explain you something new.
- ADAM. Tell me: ”What’s a source of your wisdom?”
- LUCIFER. I can’t.
- ADAM. Our talk is boredom
- And only waste of time. Let us complete
- And in this way next time not me you treat…
- goes over to other side of meadow, then comes back
- There’s a source of cool and pure water
- Beside the river and pleasant river
- Bath comes together with a refreshing
- Sip. And taking pleasure in everything
- Around, it’s time to meditate.
- I shall do this until it will be late.
- New passion comes and leaves without
- Vestige and nothing’s to worry about.
- So many coloured butterflies fly
- From flower to flower to feed themselves,
- Birds also. It’s magnificent to fly!
- It clears mind and a soul, saves
- From boredom and fatigue.
- LUCIFER. Would you
- Like to fly? I’d be glad to help you.
- ADAM. This snake again confuses mind! How
- Get rid of it? I am to do it now.
- LUCIFER. Don’t be afraid of me. I never shall do
- You any harm, my duty is to
- Help you. If you want to fly, I’ll do it.
- ADAM. Which branch or flower could bear my weight?
- LUCIFER. I could make you a bird.
- ADAM. Talking, like you?
- LUCIFER. Not quite.
- ADAM. A simple? No, thanks a lot!
- LUCIFER. Just wait. Don’t go.
- ADAM. I have to leave you
- Now. I advise you to change your spot.
- Which tiredness in body and in mind
- Cause conversations with such … of the kind!
- I watch sunset and better I feel.
- It’s growing dark, a time for evening meal.
- Scene 2.
- Clearing in the woods, lake and waterfall. Lilith after swimming lies on the grass.
- LILITH. Which marvelous place! Olive coloured
- Pure ground never keeps footprint.
- A bark of trees is smooth and untouched,
- Any insects never sullied its beige tint.
- In lake transparent water slow streams.
- Rainbow turns out light of sunbeams.
- Eternally enchanted by this place,
- Whoever was amidst its quiet grace,
- But nevertheless I want to walk around
- To look for that is easy to be found.
- She walks between the trees, looks onto the grass.
- Delicious berries in morning dew
- And there, surely, a chestnut grew.
- A beehive sweetly smells and honey drops
- And many birds are singing from trees tops
- And mushrooms, graceful shaped with tasty smell
- For any meal fit best to regale.
- gathers mushrooms
- There is a smell of olives and of plums
- And it from other side of forest comes
- And it attracts to go there
- For olives. I could find nowhere.
- Too far I went. No sense is to go
- Back. Between tree trunks I see a light.
- How curious! Further I go.
- Oh! It’s a paradise! Amazing sight!
- A blooming meadow full of fruit trees,
- Ripe fruits and whole swarm of feasting bees.
- She goes along the meadow and pays attention to Adam that is sitting on the grass.
- Scene 3.
- Lilith sits near Adam in central part of the meadow where grass is rather high.
- LILITH. smiling
- You look like me.
- ADAM. It’s pleasant to look at you,
- To hear your voice. Your golden
- Hair is soft to touch.
- LILITH. You talk too fain.
- ADAM. Please, choose the fruits, here I have not few.
- LILITH. Would you take mushrooms?
- ADAM. Wonderful they taste.
- They are eating together.
- This time of day I usually rest.
- lying down
- Sunset is time to gather the fruits,
- There are less bees then.
- LILITH. Why don’t you like the woods?
- ADAM. Weird animals inhabit there.
- I stumbled here upon one of them,
- A boring babbler looked everywhere
- For talk and nonsense was his theme.
- I talk too much, but nothing I can do,
- I like to talk when I am near you.
- LILITH. Heat of my heart is like a nature grace
- That everything is longing to embrace
- ADAM. And all around such delightful seems
- When nothing after all for that was done.
- ADAM AND LILITH. The love’s fervour comes from midday sun
- When we together lie and share dreams.
- They fall asleep.
- Scene 4.
- Part of meadow, adjoining the forest. Sunset is coming soon. Snake Lucifer pretends a tree branch. Adam and Lilith are gathering fruits.
- ADAM. Nuts are amidst that group of trees. And these
- Oviform small fruits that may be green or
- Black. Do you like them?
- LILITH. Of course. It’s olives.
- Lilith goes aside.
- Such tree branch I have never seen before.
- LUCIFER. It’s me.
- LILITH. A snake?!!
- LUCIFER. Don’t be scared of me.
- I’ll harm you by no means.
- LILITH. I know,
- You are an animal that Adam talked
- About.
- LUCIFER. I see. I creep below
- Or upwards all my life. Well, let me be
- An animal.
- LILITH. You mean that Adam mocked…
- gathers olives
- LUCIFER. Importantly, I have to whom to talk.
- LILITH. Many talking animals are in woods.
- LUCIFER. I dare ask you: ”Where do they walk?”
- For years I live here and it broods,
- But I met none of them.
- LILITH. You mean that …
- Animals don’t talk.
- LUCIFER. I don’t insist, it
- Is just my opinion and I am bad
- In judgements. You are pale. That’s all I did!
- Lilith looks at him in amazement, then comes to herself and calmly goes to join Adam.
- ADAM. Let’s watch a sunset. Beautiful it is.
- I like your olives and already miss
- You. Soon will be dark and we shall swim
- Together. Let’s dip in river’s night-dream.
- Lilith with Adam goes to the river.
- Scene 5.
- Night. Moon throws light on the group of olive trees. Snake Lucifer curled up in the grass under olive tree. Lilith approached the tree.
- LUCIFER. raising his head
- What piece of luck I have!
- LILITH. Confess that you
- Are man!
- LUCIFER. But… How did you get at it?
- LILITH. You are bad in judgements as you have said,
- But such conclusion just human could do.
- LUCIFER. I am moved…
- LILITH. I shall not ask you to tell…
- LUCIFER. Why do I look like that? Why not to tell?..
- A dreadful sinner forever I stayed
- With curse of Lord and people and myself
- And not a bit is easier me to be
- In spite of all this never was my guilt.
- My life is agony, but I am choosing it,
- Only because a death I better see.
- Lilith sits down on the grass near him and lays him on her lap. A tear rolls down her cheek. Lucifer rises and his head touches her cheek, wiping off the tear.
- My touch is cold as warm your tear is.
- You did too much for me. The whole life
- Won’t be enough for me to give it back.
- I promise that henceforth I shall resist
- A destiny. If anything you lack,
- I’ll give you it at once
- LILITH. except yourself.
- LUCIFER. You said, your wish is …
- LILITH. to be your wife
- LUCIFER. And to renounce everything you have
- To make me happy,
- LILITH. to make happy us
- Both.
- LUCIFER. Oh! How much I love you!
- LILITH. You are for me the whole infinity!
- LUCIFER. We’ll leave this place and in eternity
- The sacred flame of love is able to
- Do my body handsome while it burns in us.
- LILITH. Soon dawn comes and we’ll go through the forest.
- LUCIFER. Then we shall pass the rocks and come to coast.