Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
Oh memory, alive, alone, and cold
Amid the chaos stand for all to see.
Oh prize belov’d, I dread you to behold,
But come with me and not on bended knee,
Unchanged, no shame in your depravity,
Without your conscience as a referee.
The selfsame reason for absurdity
Has led me to embrace this fantasy,
Despicable by its acerbity.
Explain away this here apostasy,
Resist and fear this here presumptuousness,
And idle not away in fallacy.
Mistreated by your own forgetfulness,
As nameless as you are despicable,
Embolden’d you’ve become through nothingness.
You stand before me so invisible,
Smiling without comfort in my sorrow,
I want to hate such thoughts despicable.
My sleeping heart, my fear I will not show
before you, standing as I am today
Casting out a memory so hollow.
I should have known my thoughts you would betray,
My secrets mock without concern for me.
And though you treat’d me as a castaway
You brought with you a certain mystery
That slowly left its mark upon my soul
And shall be with me ’till eternity.
You’d best desist from empty flattery!
Of you I’ll rid my fragile memory
As one who casts away adultery.
For I refuse to be accessory
To thoughts belligerent which cause unrest,
I’ll take no part in such lone bravery.
For you to leave in peace with me don’t jest,
Or when the moment comes you’ll find
I see your shallow humor as a pest.
To your appeal I’ll be forever blind
And though you do persist I must insist
That someone else to shackle so you find
For you and I will never coexist
While you continue cruel games to play,
so now I must become a realist
And see your face behind this shrouded mask
This you who hides while causing misery
Throughout my realm, my fantasy at dusk.
Be satisfied with your tomfoolery,
With what you did to cause unrest inside
An independent mind not ornery
Which in the normal world does not reside
But rather in the world of fiery dreams
Who have no need from you to run or hide
And if disturb’d enough you’ll hear their screams
Their cries, their roar without a moment’s pause,
Now echoing throughout the ageless qualms,
The voices bellowing for you to sense,
To stop, to look upon this mighty blight
Now quickly rummaging throughout with vice
Which even now maintain a certain might.
Despite the strong affront I shall not bow
But stand and from my carriage not alight.
I know I’m ready to resist this now
With all my pith and might my soul to save
Whose trepidation’s grown; this must not show
Without protest against this fear I have
Of letting go of what I understood
To be and I myself cannot forget.
Untie me now and let me flee for good
From dreams forgotten by the time I wake
Into a realm so rightly understood.
But why do I continue now to shake
When only more these fantasies I feed
the lies of an imagination fake
Now ruined not by carelessness and need,
Or by a seldom stroke of random chance,
But by a pinch of arrogance and greed
So overcome was I by longing for
Those memories which give a warm embrace.
The End