A Poem – The Pairs

The Pairs – A Poem
Photo credit: Penywise from morguefile.com
I know the way
The light blinding my faith
Long walks, tiring talks
Wrong questions to the answers right
Like the yin – yang
Death – birth inseparable
Everyone has a partner
Every body has another body to be with
Every mind finds another
A soul finds its mate, never later ever
Thus all things come with their absolutes
People afraid to explore
Themselves and the questions right just like
The water itself
Doesn’t know its worth
Mistakes and lessons make each other complete
So does death and birth
When something falls
It is not necessarily meant it to be that way
People look differently, think so different
Still they will find somebody like them
Some things like their thoughts
Words eats other’s, make rules
Eye and ears make a good pair
For those who dare
A mouth is the sword and shields protect the swords
In the end the life cycle goes counting down
Death a wonderful noun
Tempting its glory and fame
Birth a wasteful pain
Strangers along the road
Greet us, treat us
Sometimes right, sometimes wrong;
Death an unwelcome space
Birth often the misused phrased
Look for love, find it
People – wise people say
Wisest say to find love
In death and fall down to ashes
The holy smoke going upwards to heaven
Abstract paintings and poems misinterpreted
Songs sung on everything
Teach us the value of life
For every green leaf
Awaits its brown version
’Fore the setting rays of the sun
The rays of the harsh sun dims
The starry night awaits its death and the sun its.
It’s natural to end a smile with a tear
But beautiful if you end a tear with a smile
Endings are always clear
It’s the way, dear, to know
Love and reach the ultimate goal
In the end, everything turns out good
Endings are the most beautiful
It’s the new beginning of a new life
Death is the beautiful phase
Of life , birth , for a new beginning