My Suicide Note – Poem of a Lonely Child
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
So many days I cried bitterly .
I stretched my hands to you. You didn’t hug.
I waited you will come. You didn’t come.
My eyes grew weak seeing the roads you may come.
I was your orphan.
But you will take me now!
Some days landlady gave me no food.
I wished you see my plight. You didn’t see.
I thought you will bring me good food. You didn’t bring.
My stomach shrank I can’t could not find it any more.
I was starving to death.
But you will feed me now.
My cloths are rags torn and already used.
I imagined you stitched new ones. You didn’t stitch.
I hoped you covered me with a blanket. You didn’t do.
My skin is pale and dull. I can feel it no more.
I felt dead cold. Its winter time.
But you will hug me now.
There are so many like me.
I prayed you scoop me up from here. You didn’t hear.
I cried you to kill me instead. You didn’t kill.
My heart has stopped. No reason to beat.
I felt so lonely these days.
But you will play with me now.
The place stinks as hell.
I dreamt you make me clean. You didn’t clean.
I asked you to listen my fate. You didn’t listen.
Got used to this smell. Where else to go?
I felt so dirty.
But you will bathe me now.
The nights are so dark and gloomy.
I murmured to you “Be with me”. You didn’t bother.
I told you “I am frightened. Help”. You didn’t help.
Nightmares and bad dreams pondered me. Ghosts laughed at me.
I could not sleep.
But you will sing for me now.
Too much I waited. Too much I suffered.
This is all I can do. I need you.
I am coming up to meet you. I know you are there.
But you will hear me now
Right ,Mom?
– Your Tom.